Our clinic provides basic and comprehensive dental services to patients in the community of St. Albert and surrounding area. Our clinic is pleased to provide evening and Saturday appointments, offering you convenient access to dental care. From basic cleanings to a crown or bridge restoration, our team is excited to help you with your dental needs. All services are provided by general dentists.
New Patients Welcome!
Emergencies By Appointment Only
Tudor Glen Smile Clinic
2010 Tudor Glen Place
St. Albert, Alberta CA T8N 3V4
P: (780) 460-1772
F: (780) 418-1762
E: reception@tudorglen.ca
Mon, Wed & Fri: 8am – 3:30pm
Tue: 11:30am – 8pm
Thu: 9am – 5pm
Sat: 9am – 3pm
Sun: Closed
Insurance & Direct Billing
As an added value service we bill directly to your insurance company. Your patient co-payment is payable at the end of each appointment. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Debit, and cash. Cheques are accepted from established patients. We also work with your insurance company to pre-authorize payment quotes for major treatment.
If you are unable to provide your insurance information we will charge you the cost of the entire appointment and present you with an insurance form filled out with the pertinent dental codes to send to your insurance company on your own.
As there is no way we could possibly know the details of every patients insurance coverage if would be helpful if you are able to provide us with them. You can normally find this in the insurance information received from your place of employment or coverage information provided when you sign up for personal coverage. Bring the information in with you and we would be more than happy to look over the details with you.
Please click on the link to open our brochure on What is Dental Insurance?