Please do not hesitate to contact our office should you have should you have any questions or concerns about your dental health and our services. We are always happy to speak with you.
Your Dentist Your Health – Your dental health is of the upmost importance to us. For an idea of why a dental exam is necessary and what the dentist will do during this exam please download and read this brochure.
Taking Care of Cavities – At some point during a dental exam you may find out you have a cavity and require a filling. You may wonder why you got a cavity and what your options are. The following may answer some of these concerns for you.
Dental & Optical Assistance for Seniors Programs – If you are 65 or older, or have a family member who is, the following information on dental coverage available from the Government of Alberta and administered through Alberta Blue Cross may be of interest to you.
Alberta Dental Association – The Alberta Dental Association and College (ADA+C) provides leadership to the dental profession on professional regulations and member services, and provides the public with information and services, to ensure that Albertans receive safe, appropriate, ethical and quality dental care as an integral part of general health.
Canadian Dental Association – The Canadian Dental Association is the national voice for dentistry, dedicated to the advancement and leadership of a unified profession and to the promotion of optimal oral health, an essential component of general health.